For this conference we choose to dive into the fascinating cranial field. Osteopathy has a long history of working on the human cranium. Of course WG Sutherland but also Charlotte Weaver were important for the development of osteopathy in the cranial field. Much changed in medicine and science since the times of our osteopathic ancestors. In the age of technology and informatics many tools and devices are developed to scientifically study the osteopathic models.
In this conference we combine science with the osteopathic practice. In the morning scientist and osteopaths are giving theoretical lectures about many aspects of the human cranium. The scientist will present to some recent insights, the osteopath will link these insights with the osteopathic practice. At the end of the morning program there will be a forum discussion and there will be time for questions.
In the afternoon there will be practical demonstration workshops. The osteopath will give a theoretical introduction about a topic and then demonstrate how this can be used in the osteopathic practice. Next to this there are two theoretical presentations where a scientist gives a deepening presentation about a certain topic. This is interesting for osteopaths that want to learn more about the science behind their work.
We are convinced that this format makes the conference interesting for every osteopath. There is a limit of 300 places due to the maximum of people that can be in the workshops. Attention: first come, first served….
When you are interested in a specific workshop, you will have the possibility to do your registration later!
You will receive more information about registration for the workshops later this year.
Day 1: March 22, 2024
Morning 08:30 – 13:00:
- Welcome
- Osteopathy in the cranial field in 2024, what does science tell us? Rafael Zegarra-Parodi DO MSc
- Normal human craniofacial growth and development from 0 to 4 years Prof. Mehran Mozan
- Rhythms in the human cranium, what do we know?. prof Max Moser PhD A
- The Glymphatic system and sleep.Dr Rolf Fronczek, PhD neuroloog NL
- Rhythms in the human cranium, what do we feel? Prof. Dr. Eugenijus Kaniusas A
- LCS circulation and osteopathy in the cranial field Dr. Heike Jaeger
- Forum discussion
Afternoon 14:00 – 17:30 –> Choose your workshop! *
Theoretical deepening:
- Lymphatics in the cranial field. Raymond Perrin DO PhD GB || Afternoon 14:00 – 15:30
- Inherent Rhytems with Holger Pelz DO || Afternoon 15:45 – 17:30
Practical demonstration workshops
- The work of Charlotte Weaver. Kok Weng Lim DO GB
- Pressure Headaches. Jane Stark DO Can
- An Osteopathic Approach to Autism – Bramati® Method – Iona Bramati DO PhD
- Morphogenetic fields and osteopathy in the cranial field (Darraillans) – Gunn Kvivik, DO N
Receptions: 17:30 – 19:00
Day 2, March 23, 2024
Morning 08:30 – 13:00:
- Mechanical properties of the cranial meninges. Raffael Zegarra-Parodi DO MSc Fr
- Mechanobiology of the human cranium. Sylvain Gabriele PhD Be
- Anatomy of the autonomic outflow. Thomas Verlinden PhD Nl
- The Trigeminal nerve; the menigeovascular complex in headache and migraine. Prof Messlinger PhD D
- The relationship between the upper cervical segments and the cranium. Prof Neuhuber PhD D
- Piezo 2 receptors and osteopathy in the cranial field. Heike Jaeger PhD D
- Forum discussion
Afternoon 14:00 – 17:30 –> Choose your workshop! *
Theoretical deepening:
- The role of mechanobiology in the development and normal function of the human cranium, the role of mechanics in Traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative disease. Sylvain Gabrielle PhD Be || Afternoon 14:00 – 15:30
- The brain gut axis, is it top-down or bottom up? And how does this affect our work as osteopaths?” Prof W. Neuhuber PhD D || Afternoon 15:45 – 17:15
Practical demonstration workshops
- The work of Charlotte Weaver. Kok Weng Lim DO GB
- Pressure Headaches. Jane Stark DO Can
- An Osteopathic Approach to Autism – Bramati® Method – Iona Bramati DO PhD
- Teeth, occlusion and functional orthodontics (Darraillans) Practical work on dento-oro-facial stuctures. Gunn Gvivik DO N