Plagiocephaly and Torticollis with Didde Thorsted DO

Aeroparc Gilze-Rijen Koffie/thee, lunch & syllabus Engels

About the course

This course is designed for osteopaths that seek to expand their knowledge in the paediatric field, including osteopaths who have limited or no experience in treating children as well as Osteopaths with more paediatric experience who may want to refresh and broaden their knowledge in this field. The course content will be based on the paediatric population and how the anatomy and physiology of this age group make them particularly vulnerable to problems linked to this structural & mechanical disorder. The courses will focus on the treatment of infants.

The course format is mainly theoretical, with group work, presentations of relevant manual techniques & advice. Course content includes anatomy of the skull,  neck & the manual evaluation of structures in the body affected by the conditions. The possible causes of Torticollis & Plagiocephaly, prevalence & incidence. The effect on tongue function, suckling, motoric development & the long-term development of structures related to arrears. Examination, signs, symptoms, and differential diagnosis of Torticollis & Plagiocephaly. Advice for parents & interdisciplinary collaboration when treating patients with Torticollis & Plagiocephaly.

Course Topics & Learning Outcome

    • Diagnose
    • Measuring tools
    • Types of Torticollis
    • Reasons for Torticollis
    • Red flags
    • Long term consequences
    • Osteopathic considerations
    • Treatment
    • Exercises
      • Stretching
      • Considering motoric development
    • Handling advice in relation to Torticollis
    • Diagnose
    • Measuring tools
    • Types of Plagiocephaly
    • Reasons for Plagiocephaly
    • Pathology & Plagiocephaly
    • Red flags
    • Long term consequences
    • Osteopathic considerations
    • Treatment
    • Pillows & Helmets
    • Handling advice in relation to Plagiocephaly
    • Research
  • Q&A

 Course Suitability

This course is suitable for all Osteopaths.


Didde Thorsted is an Aut. Physiotherapist, Aut. Osteopat DO. M.R.O.DK, Naturopath and she also holds a DO & a PG Cert in Paediatric Osteopathy. Didde is a co-owner of Qklinik, five osteopathic clinics in the heart of and around Copenhagen, that specialises in the treatment of women and children. She has worked in the paediatric field since 1997 and from 2010 exclusively with 0-12 year olds, with a majority of clients under one year of age. She has participated in considerable amount of paediatric courses locally and abroad, along with craniosacral therapy at The Upledger Institute and visceral treatment at The Barral Institute, with primary focus on paediatric treatment. Didde is the founder and chairperson of The Danish Society of Paediatric Osteopathy (DSPO) and Danske Børneosteopater (DBO), and is a well recognised lecturer in Denmark and internationally on issues relating to osteopathic paediatric treatment.  As well as being the proud mother of four wonderful children. CV

Didde Thorsted is an Aut. Physiotherapist, Aut. Osteopat DO. M.R.O.DK, Naturopath and she also holds a DO & a PG Cert in Paediatric Osteopathy. Didde is a co-owner of Qklinik, five osteopathic clinics in the heart of and around Copenhagen, that specialises in the treatment of women and children. She has worked in the paediatric field since 1997 and from 2010 exclusively with 0-12 year olds, with a majority of clients under one year of age. She has participated in considerable amount of paediatric courses locally and abroad, along with craniosacral therapy at The Upledger Institute and visceral treatment at The Barral Institute, with primary focus on paediatric treatment. Didde is the founder and chairperson of The Danish Society of Paediatric Osteopathy (DSPO) and Danske Børneosteopater (DBO), and is a well recognised lecturer in Denmark and internationally on issues relating to osteopathic paediatric treatment. As well as being the proud mother of four wonderful children. CV

Plagiocephaly and Torticollis with Didde Thorsted DO
€ 290,00

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14 mrt 09:00 - 17:00


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