The Lymphatics The Osteopathic Approach with Raymond Perrin DO

Aeroparc Gilze-Rijen Koffie/thee, lunch & syllabus Engels

The workshop will focus on the anatomy pathophysiology diagnosis and treatment of the lymphatic system plus the advances in science showing recent visible evidence of the existence of a neuro-lymphatic (glymphatic) pathway (Iliff J et al 2012) and a dural lymphatic system that was only confirmed in humans in  2017 (Absinta, Ha et al. 2017).  Dr Perrin  will explain also  how neurolymphatic disturbance due to sympathetic dysfunction  causes excess lactic acid  leading to myalgia and fatigue supporting earlier research findings. (He J. et al. 2013.)

The workshop will utilise a selection of visual aids, including a PowerPoint presentation, anatomical models and handouts. The workshop is designed to practically help the clinician improve their palpatory diagnostic and treatment  skills in the field of ME/CFS and FMS.  In the first day Dr Perrin will demonstrate and teach the participants how to use validated and established  ME/CFS and  FMS consultation forms plus how to  examine the physical signs that will help the clinician to screen for, and give a reasonably accurate severity score and prognosis of these diseases. Thus, improving the clinical care of  ME/CFS and FMS patients.

The third day will focus on the treatment that at  present is helping thousands of sufferers ME/CFS, FMS and now Long-COVID around the world  who receive Thee Perrin Technique from over 100 licensed practitioners. Millions of patients in the USA needs many more practitioners to train in this osteopathic technique developed by Dr Perrin.


At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Use the techniques demonstrated to  diagnose and treat problems through the  lymphatic system and to screen patients for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and Long COVID  in their clinical practice.
  2. Be able to identify aetiological and maintaining  factors that may have predisposed the patient and increased their susceptibility to develop ME/CFS and FMS.
  3. Accurately assess the level of severity of the patient’s illness and calculate the prognosis for their condition.
  4. 4.Understand the principles and gain the ability to practice the manual treatment of the neuro-lymphatic system that is the Perrin technique.

The workshop will cover the neuroscience underlying the physical symptoms and diagnostic signs to screen for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia and Long-COVID . It includes  practical sessions  with clinical handouts   that practitioners can use as an aid to the diagnostic and prognostic process. The full  treatment protocol taught in the Workshop  by Dr Perrin will be life-changing for many of your patients.



Day 1:

  • The history of lymphatic discovery
  • The anatomy of the lymphatic system
  • The  immune system, The Patho-Physiology of the lymphatics
  • Practical session : Surface anatomy  & Examination in the diagnosis of lymphatic disease including examination n of spleen and liver
  • The Manual Treatment of lymphatic disorders: a review of all the main techniques used in the past and present  to help the practitioner and  understand the different methods used around the world from Vodder to Chikly.


  • Practical hands on Training on  lymphatic treatments
  1. Osteopathic treatment of 8 peripheral diaphragms 1hr
  2. Stills cervical technique
  3. Miller Thoracic Pump
  4. Millie Alternative Thoracic Pump
  5. Pedal Pump
  6. Respiratory abdominal pump
  7. Sutherland’s Lymphatic techniques
  8. Zinc’s thoracic technique
  9. Effleurage
  10. Petrisage
  11. Abdominal and thoracic duct techniques

Case studies re: lymphatic treatments. How to combine the different techniques

Day 2    

  •               The neurolymphatic system/ glymphatics  and disorders Anatomy, physiology, applied pathology,
  •                And Diagnosis  of ME/CFS; Fibromyalgia and Long-COVID


Day 3

  • CFS/ME  & FMS The Perrin Technique The initial consultation and diagnosis
  • Practical training: Examination of patients with neurolymphatic disease
  • The Perrin Technique Manual Treatment of conditions such as CFS/ME , Fibromyalgia and other associated  conditions such   as Long COVID Lyme Disease with practical training.
  • Nutrition, NLP and other advice to patients with neurolymphatic disorders


The Lymphatics  The Osteopathic Approach with Raymond Perrin DO
€ 750,00

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30 mei t/m 1 jun 09:00 - 17:00


Geen zelfstudie noodzakelijk


Maximale punten: 21 Totaal uren: 21
Maximale punten: 21 Totaal uren: 21
Maximale punten: 21 Totaal uren: 21