“This course is designed for osteopaths who want to dive deeper into fascial integration. After an introduction to the fascial world, you will learn how to differentiate the lateral tube (the ISG-type) from the central tube (the SIG-type).
This course consists of a fascial assessment and the corresponding therapy in the parietal, visceral and cranial areas. In the techniques, patient and therapist form a team. While the therapist fixes certain areas, the patients perform small movements.
Course Contents / Learning Objectives
Course Content:
Learning Objectives:
Detailed Breakdown:
1) Basic Knowledge of Fascia:
Structure and function of fascia; description of the function of connective tissue cells; general pathology of the fascia.
2) The Concept:
Description of the global fascial system; introduction to some fascial techniques and their practical application; introduction to dynamic fascial techniques and their practical application; introduction to structures within the parietal and visceral fascial systems.
3) Fascial Motility:
Explanation model of motility; descriptions of different movements throughout the body.
4) Inter-cranial Fascia:
Introduction to the 3 levels within the inter-cranial fascial structures; practical exercises: tests and techniques in the 3 inter-cranial fascial levels.
5) Fascial Integration:
Linking inter-cranial fascia with visceral fascia; linking visceral (motility), parietal, and inter-cranial fascia; practical combinations based on clinical pictures (patient presentations).
“Udo Bargfeldt has been a physiotherapist since 1997 and has been working as an osteopath in Oldenburg since 2007.
The focus of his osteopathic work is fascial integration.
His thesis is entitled: Unwinding- an explanatory model.
Udo Bargfeldt has been working as a lecturer for more than 20 years.
He trains osteopaths and gives seminars for physiotherapists and osteopaths.”