Cervicogenic disorders (neck pain, headache, tinnitus, dizziness) represent a frequent reason for consultation. This course aims at deepening knowledge and providing osteopaths with a variety of approaches for patients with complex care trajectories who have already consulted osteopaths and other therapists without results. The literature on chronic neck pain, cervicogenic headaches and cervicogenic dizziness will be presented in order to inform clinicians. The pathophysiology, epidemiology, semiology and differential diagnosis associated with these disorders will be discussed. From a clinical point of view, it will be taught how to apply this knowledge in the field in a preventive, curative, palliative or referencing framework, taking into account the delimited field of action of osteopaths.
THE ADVANCED VOLUMETRIC APPROACH (AVA) is an osteopathic technique developed by Joseph Gill-Lussier, D.O. specifically designed for complex cases. Based on the principles taught by Robert Rousse, D.O., the technique incorporates influences from Becker, Hoover, and Arbuckle to create a unique and effective clinical approach. The AVA method involves establishing a dialogue with the patient’s tissues and engaging the whole person to achieve the normalization of the cervical neurological subunit. The approach also considers the neuromechanical link between the peripheral levers and structural manipulations and their effects on the central nervous system. Moreover, the AVA approach takes into account andragogical, self-efficacy, and biopsychosocial models to guide treatment. This collaborative clinical approach is known to effectively address complex cases found in the clinic, and has helped many patients to achieve better outcomes.
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Each day will take place in 2 parts:
AM THEORETICAL PRESENTATION: Knowledge and Professional Skills
Clinical context from which emerged the Advanced Volumetric Approach.
Review on Cervical Proprioceptive Dizziness
Osteopathic Constructs: Clinical Approach
Know How, Principles and Models in Osteopathy
Basic evaluation triad to promote the conditions for dialogue
Principle of test-correction and correction systems
-Know-how: Tissue dialogue,
-Constructs of functional and structural according to Hoover,
-The spring and barrier concept
-The different moments of induction
Introduction to embodied Osteopathy
The tissue framework and liquids: a model of tensegrity
Structural and fluid mass mechanism according to Robert Rousse D.O. and Magoun
Global work: “structural-fluidic”
The Comma Technique
Induction test practice
– Lateral chest compression test
– A/P compression test
– Cephalo caudal compression test
Spiral thoracic volumetric techniques (Variant on post endothoracic fascia, Variant on ant endothoracic fascia, Nancy Côté D.O. variant (“open the book”))
Thoracic normalisation: Mediastinal area
«Care bear» technique (upper and lower limb)
Lateral decompression of the thorax in 3 stages using levers
Lateral shoulder decompression in DD
Review Continuous Cervical Proprioceptive Dizziness…
PRACTICE: Global work continued…
Spiral work
1-Posterolateral chain (BIT)
2-Work for DM with head flexion. (and eyes)
3-Tx-Lumbar segmental work
Visceral Frame Normalisation
Peri-umbilical- hypogastric
Urogenital gutter
Pubo-vesico-gyneco-sacral recto blade and hypogastric density
Objectives, dialogue, therapeutic approaches
Upper middle and lower posterior unit work.
Review Cervical proprioceptive dizziness continue…
Review of non-specific chronic cervicalgia
Review of headaches of cervical origin
Cross work of densities and adhesions: “Jesus Christ super star” technique
Work of the anterior cervico-visceral compartment with an inverted lever on the Dura and the prevertebral chain
Work on deep visceral sheath and hyoid mobilization
Test in a-p high cx
Mobilization test and search for the slowing point
Density or adhesion work
Technique of Romeo and Juliet modification of the Technique of Fredérick Sary D.O.
Working of the anterior cervico-visceral compartment with an inverted lever on the DM and the prevertebral chain.
Slow down point and osteopathic lesion
Counterstrain technique in DL Head scapula cx, thx, sup Limb.
Presentation of the cranial volumetric concept:
Bowl Demonstration.
Work C0.C1 TMJ. (“cervical trigeminate nucleus”)
Cranial work: AP sphere: compression-decompression, Lateral compartments.
Bilat TMJ cradle technique in distraction,
TMJ technique in compression.
Technique of the cross OM Orbital axis.
Experienced osteopathic clinician, Joseph Gill-Lussier B.Sc, D.O., graduated from the CEO of Montreal, is the Director of the Department of Osteopathy and Head of Research at the Vertigo And Cerebral Concussion Institute (VACCI) at the Polyclinique Centre-ville in Montreal where he works in collaboration with an experienced medical team and various interdisciplinary specialists. Also an international teacher and a university lecturer, he is currently pursuing his PhD research on cervical proprioceptive dizziness in the Rehabilitation Science program at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal. He received several scholarships, including leadership and merit scholarships from the Faculty of Medicine in 2021-2022-2023. Recognized in the Canadian osteopathic community, he received the 2018 Professor of the Year award and the 2022 Companion of Osteopathy award.