Content of FDM Module 2:
After attending this course, participants know and deepen
– the theoretical foundations and principles of the FDM
– the 6 fascial distortions of the FDM
– the palpative qualities of the fascial distortions
– the diagnosis and treatment of fascial distortion in the shoulder, knee, ankle and spine and hip/pelvis area
and are able to
– explain the principles of FDM to third parties (e.g., patients, physicians)
– to explain the 6 fascial distortions to third parties (e.g., patients, physicians)
– to palpate the tissue qualities of the fascial distortions
– diagnose and treat fascial distortions of spine, pelvis and hip area
– visit and understand the third module of the course
Graduated as a certified alternative practitioner and subsequently attended the School of Osteopathy in Hamburg/Germany for five years.
Then visit of courses and assistantship in the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) by Georg Harrer, M.D. (Vienna), Christoph Rossmy D.O.; Marjorie Kasten PT (USA) and Keisuke Tanaka (Japan).
2012 Founding of the „Interdisziplinäres Behandlungszentrum Hannover agora“ in Hannover, Germany
FDM teaching at the „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Interdisziplinäre Medizin (AIM)“ from Prof. Matthias Fink in Hannover, Köln, Zürich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Leipzig and München.FDM courses in Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Iran and the Netherlands.
2021 Founding of the „ETAMed Center for Fascial Distortion Model and Physiotherapy“ in Hannover, Germany.