Since 1999, Larry Goldfarb and Caro van Iersel have been co-directing internationally accredited Feldenkrais Teacher Training Programs in the Netherlands. In this free webinar, you will find out the curriculum they createddeveloped, the design innovations they developed, and the lessons learned about what it takes to prepare people to practice this neurophysical approach. You will learn how the educational design of the next program, which will be starting in May 2024, integrates high touch and high tech. Because this approach is based on experiential learning, you will also have an opportunity to experience a guided movement lesson. There will be time for questions and answers as well.
This presentation is open to medical and paramedical professionals, as well as anyone involved in the moving arts and sciences, interested in the Feldenkrais Method and training in somatic methodologies.
Larry Goldfarb, CFT, MSME, Ph.D.
Feldenkrais teacher and trainer, movement scientist, and multimedia author, Larry Goldfarb, CFT, RSME, Ph.D., has been practicing Moshe’s method for 43 years, teaching it for 38, and training others for 28. Dr. Goldfarb has directed teacher training programs on three continents and taught in universities, hospitals, dance companies, music conservatories, orchestras, etc. in 15 countries. Engaging and intellectually rigorous, Larry is simultaneously a fun, straightforward, and collegial teacher who enjoys nothing more than building confidence and fostering competence. Realizing his commitment to demystifying the method and empowering others, Larry has been mapping the domain of realizing human abilities and sharing these models via postgraduate programs online and in person.
Larry maintains a practice in Santa Cruz, California, where he also teaches group classes and provides professional supervision.