Osteopathy and vocal problems

Aeroparc Gilze-Rijen Koffie/thee, lunch & syllabus Engels

note: Due to the high costs for this course, this course is more expensive than usual for a 2-day course. The course can take place with 24 participants.

Jacob Lieberman DO MA Reg Osteopath and Psychotherapist

Specialist Management Vocal Crisis

  1. The course curriculum includes introduction to:
    1. The rationale behind Osteopathic manual therapy.
    2. Vocal folds examination what professional singers need
    3. Bed-side diagnosis things to listen to in the absence of camera

The subjects which are covered include detailed review of the functional anatomy of the Larynx and breathing apparatus (not as a landmarks), referral criteria to Otolaryngologist, points in history taking and more.

The course demonstrates how “touch” therapy can be used for: examination, diagnosis, treatment and an additional tool to gather insights and understanding of the patient’s emotional states of mind

The course is based on frontal lectures and good deal of practice of Laryngeal examination and introduction to techniques.

  1. The course combines theory, years of clinical experience in practice, and lots of hands on,

The aim being the development of sensitive palpatory skills so that examination and treatment become “tissue specific” to the level of the individual muscle or joint.

The final aim: for participants to have a good knowledge and understanding of the laryngeal mechanisms, and to be able to physically examine the larynx.

Once palpatory skills are at a satisfactory level, specific techniques become much more efficient, tissue specific, SAFE and most important, can be tolerated by the voice patient.

  1. The subjects covered in details:

4.1       Posture related voice problems,

4.2       TMJ complex,

4.3       Supra-Hyoid mechanism

4.4       Floor of mouth,

4.5       Base of tongue,

4.6       Middle constrictor,

4.7       The hyoid bone,

4.8       Inferior constrictors,

4.9       Thyro-hyoid mechanism,

4.10     Crico-thyroid muscles and joint,

4.11     Inferior straps

4.12     Breathing mechanism.

If time is allowed, dependent on participants’ experience, basic procedures will be practiced: pubophonia, Globus, diaphragmatic breathing.


Jacob Lieberman M.A D.O Registered Osteopath Psychotherapist Specialist, Management of vocal crisis.

Jacob Lieberman, MA, DO, is an internationally acclaimed expert on physical and psychological management of hyper function voice disorders.
As an Osteopath and a Psychotherapist he developed the Lieberman protocol for laryngeal examination and physical treatment to release muscle tension and improve joint movements. He is a member of the voice clinic team at Lewisham University Hospital London and University Klinic Eppendorff in Hamburg Germany. He has researched and co-authored papers on postural aspects in voice disorders and mechanical dysfunction of the larynx. He is a contributor to leading text books in voice: The Voice Clinic Handbook (Harris et al, 1998, Whurr Publishers, London),
Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders (Rubin Sataloff Korvin 2nd ed), Treatment of Voice Disoerders (Sataloff Plural Pub). and various other publications and articles.
He is continuously researching the effects of Laryngeal manipulation on the production of voice.
He has been training ENT and SLT in applying palpation as a tool for examination and treatment of laryngeal muscles and joints in the UK, and internationally.
Participants find it a useful approach in their voice work.
Recently he has started teaching and treating patients in Israel.

For further details about his work:
Google: Jacob Lieberman laryngeal manipulation

Osteopathy and vocal problems
€ 800,00

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9 okt 2023 t/m 10 okt 2023 09:00 - 17:30


Geen zelfstudie noodzakelijk


Maximale punten: 14 Totaal uren: 14
Maximale punten: 14 Totaal uren: 14
Maximale punten: 14 Totaal uren: 14