Osteopathy: Plagiocephaly, Torticollis and Cranio-Facial asymmetries met Sylvie Lessard

Aeroparc Gilze-Rijen Koffie/thee, lunch & syllabus Engels


To provide the ESSENTIAL scientific and clinical osteopathic information

to optimize osteopathic intervention strategies and treatment outcomes

  • To recognize Non Synostotic Plagiocephaly (NSP)* and torticollis clinical signs (differential diagnosis), to understand the primary causes, risk factors and associated conditions;


  • To assess evolution, develop competencies in anthropometry (digital calliper, explore new technology devices…);


  • To promote interprofessional collaboration, to provide information to the medical team and to the parents, to complement files with accurate measurements ;


  • To improve given care based on the treatment key factors and scientific reviews;


  • To develop competencies in clinical methodology and treatment strategies;


  • To work on palpation with specific techniques;


  • To understand the 3D global reality of NSP and torticollis in relation with motor development.

*NSP:  Non Synostotic Plagiocephaly



  • Lectures
  • Measurement practical worshops
  • Guided palpation and refining key osteopathic techniques
  • Treatments of infant(s) by Sylvie and/or videos and cases studies-Masterclass

Literature review


Assessments plagiocephaly and torticolis

  • New Technology (Ipad, smart phone)
  • NSP severity assessment
  • Screening limitation and asymmetry of mobility, flexibility and strenght


Measurement workshop

  • Anthropometrics measurements (calliper)
  • Clinical Adaptation of Plagiocephalometry (PCM)


Ostepathic treatments

  • Prevention
  • NSP osteopathic treatment goals and priorities
  • Osteopathic essential techniques



Key factors for establishing optimal treatment


  • Clinical signs for early screenig
  • Case-studies

Osteopath : interprofessional collaboration

  • Medical-Osteopathic files and reports
  • Key to develop colaboration with medical team


Impact on global posture and motor development

  • Plagiocephaly-torticollis influence on neuromotor development


  • Conclusion



Program overview, objectives and learning outcomes

This course is already frequently taught with a great succes (Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, Dijon, Switzerland, Belgium, Danemark, Germany, Montreal…). It is a synthesis from thousands of hours invested over the last 15 years. The learners will develop clinical skills and experience through practical workshops, videos and masterclass. They will also develop medical language and a scientific insight through an exhaustive literature review.

In other word it’s a unic opportunity to gain competencies to optimize osteopathic interventions and outcomes. The course objectives focus on the clinical utility in each section.

Plagiocephaly incidence can reach 48% (Mawji 2012)1. Plagiocephaly and torticollis is known as the first primary reason for peadiatric consultation in osteopathy (Morin and Aubin 2014)2. Furthermore, osteopaths face the challenge to achieve the best results with as few interventions as possible (to be cost and time effective).

This course includes pratical workshop to enhance and specialized their palpation skills through specific techniques. Using case studies (follow up from the last 10 years) and hundred of pictures, we will address the complexity of plagiocephaly, torticollis and associated conditions in relation to neuromotor development. We believe that cranial asymmetries are the consequences of so many forces applied to the whole infant before, during and after birth and therefore we emphasize the need to treat the infant in its globality  to harmonize body systems and promote optimal well being.

Participant will develop skill to achieve objective measurements through severity assessment scales, experiencing reliable measurement tools3 such as antrhropometry and learning about plagiocephalometry… exploring new technologies avenues such as 3D scanner. In addition, accurate measurements and note-taking strategies will facilitate early diagnosis and tracking of cranial asymmetries evolution. Measurements will also guide decision making through an objective view of the global condition promoting sharing information with parents and medical team.

This course will support clinical management and treatment plan strategies with awareness to medical referrals (peadiatrics red flags), leading to optimal peadiatrics cares.

  • Mawji Aliyah, Ardene Robinson Vollman, Jennifer Hatfield, Deborah A. McNeil and Réginal Sauvé,The incidience of positional plagiocephaly a cohort study, Pediatrics 2013;132;298; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-3438 originally published online July 8, 2013
  • Reasons for Osteopathic Consultation: A Prospective Survey in Quebec. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106259. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106259


  • Van Vlimmeren L.A. et al., Validation of a Simple Method for Measuring Cranial

Deformities (Plagiocephalometry). Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, vol. 19, number 1, 2008.

Osteopathy: Plagiocephaly, Torticollis and Cranio-Facial asymmetries met Sylvie Lessard
€ 795,00

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23 jan 2024 t/m 25 jan 2024 09:00 - 17:00


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