The course series “Psychosomatic Osteopathy” with Torsten Liem, teaches practical and effective approaches to the osteopathic treatment of trauma, pain and dysfunctional soma-energy-experience patterns.
– Diagnosis of somatic-energetic- Psychological dysfunctions- Therapeutic relationship- Palpation of somatic dysfunction and ANS- Palpation of somatic dysfunction and emotional states- Osteopathic approaches to emotional regulation- Perception and differentiation of belief patterns- Stabilisation work in the osteopathic setting- Dynamic resource organisation and coregulation- Attachment work- Indications and contraindications- EMDR standard protocol in the osteopathic setting- Osteopathic heart-focused palpation- Osteopathic Felt Sense- Bifocal Integration®- Right- Left balance and bilateral stimulation- Resolution of somatic-psychological dysfunctions with breathing techniques- Myofascial vibration- Trauma. Left Balance and Bilateral Stimulation- Resolution of Somatic-Psychological Dysfunctions with Breathing Techniques- Myofascial Vibration- Trauma: Diagnosis and osteopathic treatment approaches- Difference between acute and complex trauma work- Chronic pain: treatment protocol
Torsten Liem MSc(Ost), MSc(PaedOst), DO, DPO, GOsC(GB)
Torsten Liem: past Principal of the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland (1999-2019), practicing osteopath, head of the teaching clinic in Hamburg, international lecturer; He developped several osteopathic BSc and MSc programmes in Germany and Europe as well as psychosomatic Osteopathy as many approaches as multimodal bifocal integration©, etc..
He is the author and editor of 14 books (translated in more than 10 languages) and has written more than 60 articles. Torsten Liem is co-organizer of the international osteopathy symposia in Berlin; founder of an osteopathic teaching clinic and of the charitably financed centre for paediatric osteopathy in Hamburg as well as head of the Osteopathic Research Institute gGmbH.
He developed also a unique osteopathic approach to the treatment of trauma, PTSD and emotional integration.
Board member of the European Society of Pediatric Osteopathy; Torsten Liem is also co-founder and co-editor of the journal Osteopathische Medizin (Elsevier), member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, and co-founder of Breathe Yoga.