Feldenkrais Webinar: Life and breath (Free Webinar)

Webinar - Online session English

The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education offers a unique — and uniquely effective — approach to improving respiration. Rather than narrowing the possibilities to one correct technique, our approach is to expand the repertoire so that the way students breathe adapts to whatever activity they are engaged in and, equally importantly, moves so that they don’t interfere with breathing. Without willpower or regimented rehearsals or workouts, without trying to overpower or outthink this ongoing, unconscious process, their breathing becomes a means to mindfulness and a gradually shifting physical and emotional relationship with themself. Without trying to breathe in a new or better way intentionally, the lessons improve agility, coordination, and mood.  


Are you curious how Moshe’s method addresses, incorporates, and transforms the breath? Wonder what role it plays in teacher training? Want to experience it for yourself? 

We invite you to join Larry Goldfarb, Ph.D., CFT, MSME, the educational director of the upcoming Netherlands PRO-Feldenkrais International Teacher Training program, for an informative, no-cost 90-minute webinar.Sign up for this online program if you want to:

  • Better understand the function and structure of respiration.
  • Clear up commonly held confusions and stubborn superstitions. 
  • Uncover the ins and outs of optimal breathing. 
  • Experience how your breathing can change for the better.
  • Get your questions about the method and the upcoming training program answered.

Future free webinars scheduled:

An Educational Approach with Therapeutic Benefits
Sunday, March 3rd

Optimal Action in Everyday Life
Sunday, April 7th

Habits – Their Making and Breaking
Saturday, May 4th @ Panta Rhei

A day in the Feldenkrais training
Sunday, May 5th @ Panta Rhei

The Roots of the Feldenkrais Method
Sunday, May 26st

Successful application of the Feldenkrais Method
Sunday, June 2nd

Feldenkrais teacher and trainer, movement scientist, and multimedia author Larry Goldfarb, CFT, RSME, Ph.D., has been practicing Moshe’s method for 43 years, teaching it for 38, and training others for 28. Over the years, he has directed Feldenkrais teacher trainings and postgraduate programs on three continents and taught in universities, hospitals, dance companies, music conservatories, orchestras, and other organizations in 15 countries.



Dr. Goldfarb holds a Masters degree in Cybernetic Systems (San Jose State University, 1990), which he completed under the tutelage of Heinz von Forester, and doctorate in Kinesiology/Movement Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). He studied neurolinguistic programming with Richard Bandler and John Grinder, completing the final trainers’ training they conducted together. He brings a rich background in group facilitation, movement analysis, contact improvisation and dance, and other related fields to his work.
Engaging and intellectually rigorous, Larry is simultaneously a fun, straightforward, and collegial teacher who enjoys nothing more than building confidence and fostering competence. He is known for developing the SPIFFER model and other frameworks for understanding and practicing the method. He is committed to demystifying the method and empowering others in every course he gives.
Larry worked in physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics in the greater San Francisco Bay area for many years. He currently maintains a practice in Santa Cruz, California, where he teaches group classes and provides professional supervision.

Caro van Iersel, a seasoned Feldenkrais practitioner with over 30 years of experience, began her journey with the Feldenkrais method as a physiotherapist and an avid athlete and dancer. After graduating as a practitioner in 1991, she worked with people from all walks of life, in both public and clinical settings. She taught professional seminars for physiotherapists and allied health professionals in the USA and the Netherlands and workshops for various parties, including performing artists, parents and yoga instructors.

After graduation, Caro studied Aikido to better understand Feldenkrais’ Judo background, which added a dimension both to the perception of her movement and to her understanding of the method.

Caro has continued studying with a number of Feldenkrais teachers, including Larry Goldfarb,  in the Mentor training to develop the skills to teach and guide Feldenkrais practitioners, and Chava Shelhav, in the Child’Space training to refine her skills for working with children.

In her role as a parent, Caro has witnessed her children develop through organic learning, which is a fundamental principle in the Feldenkrais Method. She has also learned that the skills you need as a mom are surprisingly transferable to other fields, such as teaching.

Since the inception of the Amsterdam Feldenkrais International Training Program in 1999, Caro has been involved as a coordinator and, from 2007, as an assistant trainer, continuity assistant, and co-director. Throughout this period, she conducted study groups and advanced courses for Feldenkrais trainees and teachers. Additionally, Caro has been on the faculty of teacher training programs in Spain, Sweden, and China. Through her experience studying and working with many different trainers in the Amsterdam Training and other programs, she has observed and adopted a wide range of approaches to teaching the Feldenkrais method.

Caro has witnessed firsthand the method’s effectiveness in working with children and with people dealing with chronic pain. Her practice in Almere, the Netherlands, serves individuals of all ages seeking to enhance their daily lives, artistic pursuits, and athletic performance.

Feldenkrais Webinar: Life and breath (Free Webinar)
€ 0.00

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Course Dates

Life and breath
12 Feb 2024 19:00 - 20:30


No self-study necessary
